Wednesday, May 31, 2006

clinical theory test

just wanna thanks von for her sms..thanks for reminding me to trust God in everything.

today not bad..went sch at 11am to discuss project..then u msg me said u finish class but cos i just starting meeting so i cant walk away in the end u waited for me for an hr.thanks dear..sorry to make u wait so long..haha..after lunch then study for awhile my clinical paper..

after paper,i meet u at macs..u are talking to justin about camp.never see him before..haha..never ok..then we go j8 to buy candles,plastic cup and mashmallow for the camp...bought 2 pkts..thou is for the boys..but i think in the end u BBQ for them and eat at the same time..hehe..right?

cant wait for fri to come..


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

a world of waiting

come to realise something..whatever u do must thing must queue up n wait,take bus or train must wait..even a msg reply oso must wait til so a world of waiting..

this morning u msg me saying if everything went well and end at 12..u'll accompany me to hospital to get medication..10am i msg u..u say he havent come yet..might be late..from tt time i know u wont finish by 12pm.n true enough..he leave ur hse at 1.30pm.

then u msg me..then i say u still can come de..but in the end u didnt msg..was hoping u just pop out from nowhere..but haiz..thinking too much..haha..took my medication at 3.15pm..

tml got clinical theory many things to study..all unto God now.


Monday, May 29, 2006


today is the 1st day of clinical skill exam..thou mine is next mon..but i still kind of nervous..anyway..must start to worry liao..cos this wed is clinical theory exam still havent study finish..

cos of the skill exam..i got extra 2 hours of break..decided to accompany u since i got nothing on during the 4 hours..u gave me a hug..i like tt hug..dunno y..feel more secure when u hug me like this..haha..

after tt..i went back for my last tutorial of the day..biology at 4pm..thou tired..but it ok..cos tml i ending sch at 12 noon..yeah..haha..


p.s. my poor sandals..sob sob.. ='(

Sunday, May 28, 2006


last night went to wilson koe bday party..was quite fun..talkng and eating thru..keep feeding u..haha..but i enjoyed myself..suppose to meet u at 4pm but u are late..cos meeting end the end u reach at 5pm..but it ok..cos after tt u gave me lots n lots of hugs and kisses..haha..

told u about the scope..must explain to u all the procedure n the risk..thou i wish u can go with me to hospital on tt day..but think better not..

went church today for morning service.topic for the day is da vinci code.met jane after service to update her awhile..suppose to meet u, von and eby..but eby is still sick..having we cancelled the meeting..

raining heavily now..nowhere to go..time to do my projectwork..


Saturday, May 27, 2006


later going to wilson koe BBQ party to celebrate his birthday.but before tt,i meeting u earlier to spend some has been a long time since we do tt..most likely watching movie at ur house..then meet von at J8 after her driving lesson ..then go the BBQ place together..

anyway..i found the song..thanks dear..for sending me the song..


Friday, May 26, 2006

wonder how will it feel..

went to see 1st they cant find my record..tot i went to the wrong they spend sometime n manage to find it in one of the doc room..haha..

got my lab report..everything was alright..but doctor decided to do another round of test to find out what really went wrong.this time round is colonoscopy + endoscopy..i went thru colonoscopy before so not worry..but endoscopy..i dunno how it feel thou i know what'll happen in the procedure..

rush back to sch without getting medication decide to get it on tue cos need to wait for ard 1 hour or so for it..n oso bcos of nite class..manage to reach just on time..tot i'll be late for it..which i dunwan cos have to make ya..

Thanks God for his grace..



still got a few more hours..i'll get my lab report..dunno how the report will b.whatever it is in God's hand now..there's nothing i can do except trusting God..whatever the result is..i wont tell u what i told u on wed's nite..wait patiently..i'll let u know when the time is right..

anyway..i looking for this song..Love Me by Collin Raye..anyone can help me?if can..thanks..


Thursday, May 25, 2006


today..i msg u..asking if i can walk with u to ur class..u reply..u would like wait for u at the bridge..bought some food for my classmate,nurul..

then..i went for swimming with my classmate,elaine, in the afternoon ard swim non stop for 20 over laps..but we got abit sunburn..haha..but it ok..cos we enjoyed ourselves..n finally i get to eat my yogurt ice-cream..yeah!!

class was ok..cos we got to move from LTJ 2 to LTJ 1.don't know what thing spolit..ard 3 started to rain heavily..abit cold in the lecture theatre..end class at 5pm..

cousin still having fever..38.8 degree C..don't what happened to her..haix..hope she get well soon..

that all for today..


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Praise God

today, i meet u for lunch..quite crowded in FJ..i bought my food was waiting for u to get urs..but urs took very the end,u msg me ask me to eat 1st..haha..

after sch,we meet von n luther to get wilson present..after tt we went to macs n chat..von saw her EC..she was so happy..after tt,we went to had our dinner at thai express..ordered alot of spicy food.haha..yum yum..

while on my way home..u msg me..telling me u got ur President's Award..Praise God for his happy for u..cos it something u wish to get it..Well done dear..haha..

k to do my project work many things to do..


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

feeling like an idiot

feeling abit low now.i dun understand why u treat me like tt.ask u if i did anything tt make u angry u say no..i feel like an idiot..u understand how i feel?i just waiting for the phone to ring hopefully it's u..but u disappointed me.u didn't reply at the end of the day..

sch is good..but have alot of projects on hand to do..need to present it on week 8..just before the 2 weeks break.hopefully this will be over soon..
