Saturday, December 16, 2006


today got AGM in the morning..something happened..CE side didnt prepare for worship..told ben then he keep complaining throwing him last min not a last min is written in the CRO..but it seem like he forget to check or should i say he dun in the end after some complaining..he lead the worship with joshun since moses is not ard..during the toliet break..pulled him to one side and talk to him..think my tone is not very nice ba..cos i ask him..what the problem?it is part of the training programme all how can u say u dunno?

after AGM..he lose his gf (his favourite bicycle)..haha..clement took it without telling him..see him panicing over it..walking around the church and sch compound just to look for it..came over and ask rev Goh if church compound got camera to see who took his bike..but too bad..only inside of the church have..outside dun have..haha..but at last he know tt is menty tt took it..haha..

wonder..if he will b as panic as today if one day i went missing..but somehow i think is no..y i say so..hmmm..rmb tt time u scolded some word..which dun sound tt nice..i was angry..didnt msg u the whole day..but u dun seem to care too..dun even call n see what is wrong or something..but it over..i believe we will get closer as the days goes..

now at von hse..staying overnight cos tml going over to primer chalet..for 3 days til 19 dec..duty for this camp..a n von have to prepare meals for ya..


Monday, December 04, 2006

1st anniversary(041206) is our 1st yr yr flies passed so fast..celebrated yday.. u msg me in the morning on my way to church..asking me where i'll b after svr n what time svr end..didnt think much at tt point of time..haha..u reply find me ba..cuz tml will b bz n i book ur day..which i forget about it..cos u say u not sure if tt day is free when i say if can meet..

wear til super u after svr..of cos got scolded by u cos didnt care about my attire when u not around..haha..went to vivo city..super crowded there..didnt do anything normal..watched movie..then ate dinner..walk ard..then go home..but i am contented le..

to dear:
thanks for being there for me over this 1 yr..loving me taking care of me..i'll try my best b lady like n not to break ur plate ya..


Saturday, December 02, 2006

hmm..somehow i seem to be from other world..i dun understand what they talking about..ya..i not interested in kayaking..i got fear of capsizing..but is tt a fault or something?got abit upset by what she say..ya..i say i wont care if he go kayak with shan or other what he say b4..u jealous lor..what can i do?there nothing i can do about it what..let u continue to jealous even if i jealous or something..he will still go n do it..i cant say i dun allow u to go kayaking.. gd..i pass my BCLS theory n God trouble with my ECG lecture..think going to get big bro to help me for it..since he offer to teach me..other than tt nothing much happened..
