Thursday, October 25, 2007

saw this poem in my sister blog..
it bring me memories of my ward attachment..
how i see little lives destroyed due to situation that they cant come into this earth..
child is the gift from God..
to brighten our lives as well as making a mess..

often we are not ready for a child..
as the child grow,we learn as they learn..
learning together is fine..
i enjoyed learning with my little cousin..
thou she always bully me in a way or another..
hehe..but most of the time..
i have something up on my sleeve to make her listen to me..
sticker..she loves it alot..
trying to do something for her today..
but i not yet think of any..
what should we do today..


Aborted Soul Speaks

For just a little while,
You held me close to your heart.
Your voice was sweet and gentle,
I loved you from the start.
But then i heard you say
That you didn't want me to be born.
And so those cold instruments took hold of me,
And from you I was torn.
God had a special plan for me,
One that He wanted you to share.
I would have loved growing up with you,
If my life you had spared.
There was so much you could have taught me,
It could have been such fun.
Now i would never sit on your lap,
Go barefoot, swing, play, hop and run.
Mommy, I'm not mad at you,
And I'm sorry I got in your way.
But my little soul lives in Heaven,
And i hope to see you one day.
I believe that when you get to Heaven,
You will know me and love me too.
And if you have the time,
We'll sit and talk and find lots of things to do.
Jesus said on the cross, "Father,forgive them
They do not know what they do."
Mummy,Jesus loves you and forgives you,
And I do too.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

this song bring lots of peace in my heart.sang it in church today.
today sermon is about unmasking the spirit of rev dominic yeo.
it's thru the doubtful thoughts that lead to argument/reasoning in the heart.
which will eventually lead to deception.

many times things dun seem to be the way it is.
it thru how we see,how we encounter it and how we interpret it.
therefore, dun doubt.just do it.

Adrenaline Rush..Jia You..we can make it thru all difficulties..


Brooke Fraser

I see the King of Glory
coming on the clouds with fire
the whole earth shakes
the whole earth shakes, yea...

I see His love and mercy
washing over all our sin
the people sing
the people sing

Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
rising up to take their place
with selfless faith
with selfless faith

I see a near revival
stirring as we pray and seek
we're on our knees
we're on our knees

heal my heart and make it clean
open up my eyes to the things unseen
show me how to love like You
have loved me
break my heart for what breaks Yours
everything I am for Your Kingdom's cause
as I walk from earth into eternity


Friday, October 12, 2007

You Are Jehovah Tsidkenu

You are Jehovah Tsidkenu
(Lord You’re our righteousness)
You are Jehovah M’kaddesh
(You sanctify us Lord)
You are Jehovah Jireh
(Lord You provide)
Hallowed be Thy name

You are Jehovah Shammah
(Lord You are in our midst)
You are Jehovah Rohi
(You are our shepherd Lord)
You are Jehovah Rapha
(Lord You will heal)
Hallowed be Thy name

You are Jehovah Nissi
(You are our banner Lord)
You are Jehovah Shalom
(Jesus You are our peace)
You are the great I AM
(You are our King)
Hallowed be Thy name
Hallowed be Thy name


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

last sat (061007) i went to attend Henry and Hwee Shan's wedding..
Pastor William share about God's word before the ceremony..
3 points..which i like it alot..
-show ur love to one another (e.g. let he/her know u care and love him/her.)
-build up little faith n trust thru small promise (e.g. u promise to bring the plates to kitchen during the 1st commercial break, make sure u do it when the time come.)
-Praise and encourage one another for putting in effort.

Like what Pastor William applied to all people be it they are married or single.

managed to catch up with von after so long..
but this time round..i become the middle person..
my darling n her not in gd
well..let God handle it..

sun was yk wilson n yk went to bugis to eat..swensen..hehe..
then went to shop around..
nite ben called..we talked awhile..
i ask him if we are suppose to be truthful to each other and not to lies to one another..
i hope he will be more mindful of his action. cos he said sometime he will say i love u to her like the way he said it to von..i dun mind him saying to von but i mind it he saying to her..he know i dun like her but they went out not that i controlling him or what..but since he know i dun like her i hope he will be more mindful in future..


Friday, October 05, 2007

so long never update my blog le..
just finish my attachment last week..
this week i will be starting 6 weeks fast the 1st week break is over..
soon it will be PRCP..
this attachment let me realise some ppl can be very hypocrites infront of u..
but that is happened in my OT posting..
i still thanks God for the blessing of the staff i have in my attachment..
some of them are very kind to the students..
they are willing to teach us so much things..
unlike some staff who act so nice in front of u..
then in the toilet scolding all the students..
like what the OT sister said, treat it as a growing stage..
next time treat ur junior better..

wed 3/10/07 my team went to HPB to present the proposal..
was fun having this team..
and we got into the finals..
more work to least i wont be rotting at home..

ben started his course at sispec..2 weeks has gone..wonder how is he now..
guess he very bz ba..
like what my patient say, is either study or training..
at the end of the day, he will be very tired and all he will do is to stone..
i think so too ba..
