Saturday, July 29, 2006


so long didnt blog liao..haha..attachment started for a week liao..finally today can rest..nothing much happened in hospital..everyday is a routine for me..

thur christine for a chat..need to leave early cos ben is quite angry for waiting for me for 1 hour?but oso thanks ben for helping to end the chat early..cos she said the same thing again abt the r/s between me n ya..then after tt we went to marina south to meet the primer for alot..have fun..

fri nite..after work went to ben hse to bath b4 meeting von for praise and worship nite at the indoor so awesome..i love it..thanks von for the prayer..yup she is right..i keep thinking about what christine had make me feel that this r/s is impossible..i didnt tell ben about it..but i think ben know..after tt eby called von..about tonight firework thingy..eby cant make it..von so angry..she look so scary when she n ben dunno what to do..

tonight..meeting ben after BB cares..he teaching CPR for this 2 sat..then have dinner with von then go watch firework..update more later..



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