Monday, May 19, 2008

guess ben wont be reading my blog ba..
after breaking up for 3 months..
i realise something..
being frenz n couple are different.. are more open to me now..willing to share with me more things..
which i dunno in the past..things like camp..
what happened during ur field trip,course etc..
u will sms me when i am quiet unlike in the past which u dun do it..
call me baby more often..showing more concern now..
i really like that..
i just dun understand y in the past things which i wanted so much only happened when we are frenz?

last wed i saw u on train unexpectedly..i am really happy that day..even thou my work is like shit..alot of things not done..but at the end..whenever i think of that imagine seeing u on train..i am happy..
friday wanted to see u..told myself if really fated we will meet each other again..but this time..u didnt turn sad that day..cried on my way to work..silly me right?but i still have to put on a smile to talk to my hurt inside..u said things cant be the way we want even thou we wanted it so much..i agree..but if a little effort is put in..i still believe we will see each other..

tml i will be working 8am-8pm..haiz..goin to be super tired cos i am in TEAM 3..faint..most of the patients i dunno them..never be in that team..just hope it will be over soon..


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