Friday, August 04, 2006

just had a chat with von online..she ask me to read eby blog..well..honestly after reading his entry..think i can feel how von is feeling at tt point of time..

it make me think of my r/s too..does ben know?
i dun think so..
it make me think:
who am i to him?
what does this r/s mean to him?
is it impt to him?
does he take this r/s seriously?
does he treasure me?
do he still love me?

i know i ask these qn alot of time..but hurt me when he said he rather treasure me as a frenz than a make me dun feel like doing anything..just stay at tt spot..
nowaday when he kiss me on my make me feel tt u just do it not cos he really wan..doing for the sake of doing it..

von say b4 he care but he dun show..i really dunno..frenz are more impt to him i guess.. 8 months has gone..does this 8 months has any significance to him?

who am i really to him?



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