Sunday, August 20, 2006

2 papers are down..left another 2 more comment on it..let God handle it ba..

met ben on thur..after study..then we went to watch ant bully..nice story..enjoyed the time watchin with him..

fri met von at her hse to study..nothing much happened..end my paper at 6.30pm..only release at 7pm..then msg ben..asked me y so late then go home..haha..he got some old friends come over so he dinner out..

sat..yday APC at SP..never attend..stay at home to do some hsework..mop the dirty..haha..then went to church svr..power weekend..the svr is gd..feel refresh..saw alot of testimonies..ya..i agree what the pastor all about ur faith..only when u BELIEVE..all things are possible..well..i oso saw samuel koe..wanted to hug him n cry..thou he is strict with me in my spiritual walk..i know he wan me to rely on God only..i really know..but it like..i dunno where is God..i like lost..but in the end i didnt hug what von say..i dun dare..i dunno y..i just give me a sense of betraying ben if i do tt..

sun..staying at home n study my last 2 papers..alot of things to study..but just not in the mood to study..haiz..



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