Wednesday, March 14, 2007


we had meeting at the playground near S11..1st time having the meeting in a so informal place..saw the kids running alot during the many things to discuss..ben called me before the meeting..ask me to call him after my meeting..ask him what happened..he refused to tell me..thou affect abit of my mood..but meeting still have to go..after meeting..called him..then he said..ask me to buy movie ticket for tml nite..he wanna watch 300..


meet him at bishan..kind of tired..dunno y..put some make up..just learnt from the 7.5 upon 10..tried my best to make myself look pretty le..but..haiz..his shirt got stained by my foundation when watching the movie..not that obvious..i only saw it when we are eating dinner..he went kayaking in the afternoon..wonder y his lecturer let him go when he suppose to be in lab for his FYP..


preparing to go for camp..just finish packing my bag..heavy..bought alot of medication just in case fall sick or what..i think i'll lose my voice..hopefully they will obey the rules that yc had set for them..

camp is 1 day away..



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