Sunday, August 27, 2006

finally exam over..yeah..haha..went out n spend alot of money this few days.. with von n his hse..played with his new fun..von fall in love with his laptop..keep on playing webcam..had dinner at his place..cos we stayed back n watch a tv programme called "i shouldn't b alive.."it a nice show..quite exciting.. ben in the n used laptop to see thru many thing to go thru..lunch..his mum cooked for us..his mum prayed over our papers..lifting up to God to handle..Do your best n God will do the rest..after our lunch..his neighbour came over..she is a primary 4 gal..when she came over..she gave his mum attitude..feel like slapping her..she is so rude..btw..Thanks elaine n ain for telling me tt i got the last paper date suppose to b on thur n not wed..haha.. is ben last paper..he so n von meet at 2.30pm to study at bishan macs..quite surprise tt ben will turn up..but i am happy..haha..ard4 plus went over his use laptop again..i got some words i dunno..finally going to have my last paper soon..tml is a long day for me..

thur..had my last paper at to write alot for the SAQ part..60 marks..but lucky spread into 4 questions..went out with zi yu after tt..met for lunch n shop ard toa payoh..nite met alex for ard too..wah..spend alot today.. me von n ben went for the begining the weather is cool n nice..but when ben came..the sun start to come hot..but i enjoyed it..ate lunch at KCPSS..1st time..the food is wonder von like secondary sch food so much..after tt..parade..was gd..went to eat RK with von,kang wei,gerard,mr yam n ben..the food there is nice..

ben..u know i dun like shan..but y must u always do tt?since u know i dun like shan..if u are going out with her..let me know.. even if i go out..i oso let u know..out of respect..ya..u know i very disappointed in u when u say me n shan know u are jealous..but what can we do? we carry on with what we tt poing of time..i cried..i so disappointed in u..really..n i dun understand y u dun wan me to join 5th..u always say no..but what the reason????rmb the joke me n von played on u?u got angry..guess i am the 1st person u throw ur temper at..really..imagine..if tt person is shan..will u throw ur temper at her?u wont..

sat..went for svr..came back tt time my brother told me my baby cousin pearlin is warded to KKH again..this time she throw fits..

sun..went to visit my baby cousin today..she so poor thing..whole ward is her crying n screaming sound..her hand n eyes are abit swollen..hand is cos of the drip..hope she'll b out soon..tml attachment..haiz..



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